Studio Avvocati Pagano is an independent Law Firm born in 2008 from the forty years of experience of its founding Partner, Avv. Corrado Pagano, in order to provide Companies with high quality and customized advice, as well as judicial and extrajudicial specialized assistance in criminal law matters, through skilful attorneys with superior qualifications

Sap has two offices, in Genova e Milano, renders legal advice in Italy and abroad, and practices law before all the Italian criminal Courts and European Courts.
In connection to each specific issue, compliance monitoring and auditing, or judicial case, the Law Firm selects the most appropriate working team – which always includes one of the Partner of the Law Firm – to always enable the best assistance in terms of quality, efficiency and result

Due to its high competence on issues related to business activities, Sap counts among its Clients the main Italian industrial Groups which have all a stable and continuous confidential relationship with the Law Firm.
The Law Firm is particularly appreciated for providing its high level consulting activity to the Senior Managements, together with a prompt assistance to all operation managers for any unexpected issue arises during the work.

Members and Lawyers at Sap constantly are involved in equally hard trial concerning medical liability and professional liability in general.

For their merits Partners and lawyers at Sap are constantly involved in study and research activities, conferences, collaborations with legal Journals, and appointed in professionals Institutional Bodies.

Sap – Policy

Sap Law Firm based its activity on the principles of the Legal Professional ethics and the Institutions that oversee the legal profession. We believe in a real relationship of trust with our Clients and following the tradition of our founding Partner, we base our work on the following key strengths

  • The wider willingness by partners and all the members to guarantee Clients can always count on Sap
  • The strong sense of responsibility
  • The practical approach to operation issues
  • The strict confidentiality in relation to the matters dealt and the information revealed
  • The personal assistance of the Clients across Italy and in every foreign Countries, eventually in cooperation with the most suited local Law Firms in the involved matters, which will operate only for purposes minor and under the strict
  • direction and control of the Law Firm
  • SAP firmly believes the complete satisfaction of the Clients necessary pass through:
  • Motivated resources
  • Appropriate internal work procedures
  • The use of modern technologies
  • The constant professional updating
  • A peaceful and pleasant work environment, where relations are marked by seriousness, respect and mutual cooperation

The Law firm to your aid
Did you know … (average per year)

More than 250.000 Km km traveled by car by the Members
More than 250 flights to Clients or Tribunals
More than 3.000 hours in Tribunals
More than 35.000 Pages printed/copied ( 3.000 of witch on recycled paper)
More than 1.000 Giga files scanned/ received
More than 4.000 coffee capsules and 440 Liters of water consumed
Dossier number 1000 has been opened on 26.09.2018
The longest trial: 106 hearings, 367 witness, 19 expert-witness.