Sap focuses mainly on criminal law matters and assists Companies, Managers, Directors, Corporate Officers, employee in judicial and extrajudicial regarding the following areas


  • Corporate and Commercial Offences
  • Accidents at work e occupational diseases (CMCHA)
  • Environmental Offences -Crimes
  • Waste management Offences – Crimes
  • Offences – Crimes against Public Administration
  • Banking and Financial Crimes
  • Antilaundering
  • Bankruptcy Offences – Crimes
  • Urban and Constructions Offences – Crimes
  • Food Law matters
  • Transportation and shipping Offences
  • Intellectual Property Offences
  • Cybercrimes and privacy violations
  • Crimes involving the corporate liability pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01


Sap is specialized into provide the necessary assistance to conduct business, works and activities always in compliance with laws and regulations and supports Companies to define and formalize:


  • the appropriate organization charts and delegation of tasks,
  • the Documents requested by laws (DVR, DUVRI, PSC, POS…) and the necessary implementation procedures based on the particularity of work, issue and the related laws and regulations


With reference to Criminal Liability of Companies Sap also follow steadily each Client in prevention of the risk, as predicted by Legislative Decree 231/01, and :


  • deals with risk assessment activities drafting the “Model of Organization”, and the relative procedures
  • its updating following any company organization changes and law updating
  • Support Supervisry Bodies in their activity
  • The law Firm also provides all the necessary training to managers, employee and workers


Members and Lawyers at Sap are constantly involved in equally hard trial concerning medical liability and professional liability in general.




Sap supports Companies in authorisation procedures
Sap also support Companies in order to obtain and maintain ISO/UNI/OHSAS certifications
Sap provides training on safety at work, Environmental protection and waste management.
Assists in case of inspections or in response to requests from Public Administrations/Authorities
Intervenes promptly from the preliminary investigations, and in case if seizures and confiscation
Assists in case of order issued under D.Lvo 758/94


Of counsel


Sap has established relationships with several experts – including University Professors, Presidents/Members of International Organizations – with proven professionalism and competence in the most different matters: engineering, medicine, computer sciences, graphology, occupational hygiene, chemistry and others.
For criminal law issues involving administrative or civil question, the Law firm collaborates with the most specialized Law Firms.

Since 2022, the Firm’s team has expanded and can now also count on a lawyer specialized in civil and labor law in order to  offer companies a complete in-house support extended to the civil and labor aspects of the judicial and extrajudicial criminal matters